May 29, 2023
#092: A dive into Filmlandia! - David Schmader's hilarious guide to Pacific Northwest movies, including Class of 1999 (1990) - about a violent Seattle high school staffed by cyborgs, and horse bestiality art film Zoo (2007). Richard Pryor's "star-packed garbage picture" Bustin' Loose (1981) was shot in Washington...
May 21, 2023
#091: Billionaire owner of trailer parks and destroyer of
newspaper worlds Sam "the grave dancer" Zell has taken his last
PLUS: Podcast shoutout to Ironweeds out of Troy, New York. One of
the hosts is the author of The City Authentic: How the Attention
Economy Builds Urban America.
ALSO: Anti-abortion goblin...
May 6, 2023
#090: Journalist Robert Evans of the Behind the Bastards podcast probably won't ever do an episode about the late Clear Channel Communications founder Lowry L. Mays because Evans sold his podcast empire to iHeartMedia, formerly known as Clear Channel Communications. A wise man does not bite the (posthumous) hand...